Date of Decision: February 1, 2023
Service Center: Nebraska Service Center
Form Type: Form I-140
Case Type: EB1 Extraordinary Ability

Petitioner Information

Profession: Athlete
Field: Mixed Martial Arts
Nationality: Not specified in the provided document

Summary of Decision

Initial Decision: Denied
Appeal Outcome: Denied

Evidentiary Criteria Analysis

Criteria Met:
None were met according to the provided document.

Criteria Not Met:

  1. Prizes or Awards: The petitioner did not establish that he had won a major, internationally recognized award.
  2. Membership: The petitioner did not demonstrate that his membership in the national team required outstanding achievements judged by recognized experts.
  3. Leading or Critical Role: The petitioner did not provide evidence of playing a leading or critical role in organizations or establishments with a distinguished reputation.
  4. Judging: The petitioner alluded to eligibility under this criterion for the first time on appeal, which was not considered.
  5. Original Contributions: The petitioner alluded to eligibility under this criterion for the first time on appeal, which was not considered.
  6. Commercial Success in the Performing Arts: The petitioner alluded to eligibility under this criterion for the first time on appeal, which was not considered.

Key Points from the Decision

Awards and Prizes Won:

  • The petitioner did not provide evidence of receiving any major, internationally recognized awards.

Published Materials About the Petitioner:

  • Not applicable; there were no findings mentioned about published materials in the provided document.

Original Contributions of Major Significance:

  • The petitioner alluded to this on appeal, but did not provide sufficient evidence or address it during the initial review.

Participation as a Judge:

  • The petitioner alluded to this on appeal, but did not provide sufficient evidence or address it during the initial review.

Membership in Associations:

  • The petitioner’s claim of membership on a national team did not meet the criteria as he did not provide sufficient evidence of the selection process or outstanding achievements required for membership.

Authorship of Scholarly Articles:

  • Not applicable; there were no findings mentioned about authorship in the provided document.

Leading or Critical Role Performed:

  • The petitioner did not provide sufficient evidence to establish that he played a leading or critical role in his field.

Artistic Exhibitions or Showcases:

  • Not applicable; there were no findings mentioned about artistic exhibitions or showcases in the provided document.

Evidence of High Salary or Remuneration:

  • Not applicable; there were no findings mentioned about high salary or remuneration in the provided document.

Commercial Successes in the Performing Arts:

  • The petitioner alluded to this on appeal, but did not provide sufficient evidence or address it during the initial review.

Supporting Documentation

  1. Contract with Regional Organizations: The petitioner signed a contract with regional organizations in New Jersey and New York but did not reflect competing at a professional level.
  2. National Team Membership: Claimed membership in the national team, but did not demonstrate the selection process or requirements indicating outstanding achievements.
  3. Evidence from Leading Websites: Provided evidence about the team from leading websites, but did not substantiate the claims with detailed requirements or criteria for membership.


Final Determination: The appeal was dismissed.

  • The petitioner did not meet the initial evidentiary requirement of having received a major, internationally recognized award or fulfilling at least three of the ten criteria.
  • The petitioner did not provide sufficient evidence to support claims under the criteria initially reviewed or new criteria introduced on appeal.
  • The petitioner has not demonstrated the sustained national or international acclaim required for the classification sought.

Next Steps:

  • The petitioner may pursue these claims within a new petition filing.

Download the full petition article here

Igbo Clifford
Igbo Clifford

python • technical writing • filmmaking

Articles: 1194

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