EB-1 Extraordinary Ability USCIS Appeal Review – Information Systems Specialist – APR282015_01B2203

Date of Decision: April 28, 2015
Service Center: Texas Service Center
Form Type: Form I-140
Case Type: EB1 Extraordinary Ability

Petitioner Information

Profession: Information Systems Specialist

Field: Information Systems

Nationality: Not specified

Summary of Decision

Initial Decision: Denied

Appeal Outcome: Approved

Evidentiary Criteria Analysis

Criteria Met:

Judging Criteria:
The petitioner has served as a reviewer for various publications and has been invited to serve on an editorial board.

Authorship of Scholarly Articles:
The petitioner has authored and published several scholarly articles in highly respected journals.

Original Contributions of Major Significance:
The petitioner’s research on information (preference) markets and Internet-based ‘wisdom of crowds’ has made an indelible impact in the field of information systems.

Criteria Not Met:

None specifically mentioned.

Key Points from the Decision

Awards and Prizes Won:

Not applicable in this case.

Published Materials About the Petitioner:

Several articles in well-known and highly ranked journals in the field of information systems have been published by the petitioner. These publications are highly respected in the field.

Original Contributions of Major Significance:

The petitioner’s research has led to significant business implementations and partnerships, including the commercialization of internet-connected sensors and appliances.

Participation as a Judge:

The petitioner has judged manuscripts for publication in top journals and has been invited to serve on an editorial board due to his research impact.

Membership in Associations:

Not applicable in this case.

Authorship of Scholarly Articles:

The petitioner has published numerous scholarly articles cited by other researchers, contributing significantly to the field.

Leading or Critical Role Performed:

Not applicable in this case.

Artistic Exhibitions or Showcases:

Not applicable in this case.

Evidence of High Salary or Remuneration:

Not applicable in this case.

Commercial Successes in the Performing Arts:

Not applicable in this case.

Supporting Documentation

  1. Editorial Board Membership Letters: Invitations to serve as an associate editor for respected publications.
  2. Published Scholarly Articles: Articles published in highly ranked journals.
  3. Letters of Support: From recognized professionals in the field, attesting to the significance of the petitioner’s contributions.
  4. Business Implementation Evidence: Documentation of companies using the petitioner’s research in their operations.


Final Determination:

The appeal is sustained, and the petition is approved.


The petitioner demonstrated that he meets the criteria under 8 C.F.R. § 204.5(h)(3)(iv), (v), and (vi), proving his extraordinary ability in the field of information systems through original contributions and recognized publications.

Next Steps:

The petitioner may now continue his work in the United States in the field of information systems, which will prospectively benefit the country.

Download the Full Petition Review Here

Igbo Clifford
Igbo Clifford

python • technical writing • filmmaking

Articles: 1194

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