EB-1 Extraordinary Ability USCIS Appeal Review – Table Tennis Coach – JUL102019_01B2203

Date of Decision: JULY 10, 2019
Form Type: Form I-140
Case Type: EB1 Extraordinary Ability

Petitioner Information

Profession: Table Tennis Coach
Field: Sports Coaching

Summary of Decision

Initial Decision: Denied
Appeal Outcome: Denied

Evidentiary Criteria Analysis

Criteria Met:
Criterion 1: None
Criterion 2: None
Criterion 3: None

Criteria Not Met:
Criterion 1: Lesser nationally or internationally recognized prizes or awards for excellence in the field.
Criterion 2: Membership in associations in the field which require outstanding achievements of their members.
Criterion 3: Published material about the alien in professional or major trade publications or other major media.
Criterion 4: Original scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic, or business-related contributions of major significance in the field.
Criterion 5: Performance in a leading or critical role for organizations or establishments that have a distinguished reputation.
Criterion 6: Evidence of the display of the alien’s work in the field at artistic exhibitions or showcases.

Key Points from the Decision

Awards and Prizes Won:
The petitioner claimed awards received for coaching but failed to demonstrate that these were recognized nationally or internationally as required.

Membership in Associations:
The petitioner’s memberships in various sports associations were not supported by evidence that these organizations required outstanding achievements for membership.

Published Materials About the Petitioner:
The petitioner was mentioned in various sports articles; however, these were not considered focused enough on the petitioner or recognized as major media.

Original Contributions of Major Significance:
Despite claims of significant coaching achievements, the petitioner could not substantiate that his contributions had a broad impact on the field of table tennis.

Participation as a Judge:
Not applicable.

Membership in Associations:
Insufficient evidence was provided that the associations required outstanding achievements for membership.

Authorship of scholarly articles:
Not applicable.

Leading or critical role performed:
Although involved in leading roles at various sports clubs, evidence of the clubs’ distinguished reputations was lacking.

Artistic Exhibitions or Showcases:
The petitioner attempted to equate sports showcases with artistic exhibitions, which did not meet the regulatory criteria.

Evidence of High Salary or Remuneration:
Not discussed in the appeal.

Commercial successes in the Performing Arts:
Not applicable.

Supporting Documentation

The petitioner submitted various documents including letters of reference, awards, membership cards, and media articles. These were deemed insufficient to meet the evidentiary criteria for extraordinary ability.


Final Determination:
The petitioner did not meet the necessary evidentiary criteria to qualify as an individual of extraordinary ability in the field of sports coaching. The initial denial was upheld on appeal.

The provided evidence did not sufficiently demonstrate national or international acclaim or significant contributions to the field of table tennis.

Next Steps:
The petitioner may consider gathering more robust evidence or exploring alternative visa categories that might be more suited to his qualifications.

Download the Full Petition Review Here

Igbo Stanford
Igbo Stanford

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